Snake Plissken's essential tough guy movies.

Pete Dunham

Green Street Hooligans (2005)

Charlie Hunnam as Peter 'Pete' Dunham: a primary school teacher of history and physical education who runs West Ham's firm the Green Street Elite, and is Steve's younger brother.


Pete Dunham: Fuck it, I will take you with me. You might learn something...
Matt Buckner: About soccer?
Pete Dunham: No mate. Not about soccer, AND FOR FUCK SAKE, STOP SAYING SOCCER!
_ _ _

Pete Dunham: You don't run, not when you're with us... You stand your ground and fight!
_ _ _

Matt Buckner: What are you talkin' about, baseball is a girl's game? The Red Sox has a guy that pitches the ball over 90 miles per hour!
Pete Dunham: Who cares? All that means is that he can have a wank faster than you.
_ _ _

Pete Dunham: Fuck me. If I knew we was going to a bar mitzvah, I would have brought me fuckin' skull cap. Mate, Tottenham's due north. Are you lost? Or just fucking stupid?
_ _ _

Pete Dunham: [after learning about why Matt got kicked out of Harvard] If he's done that to me I'd have beat the seven shades of shit out of him!
_ _ _

Pete Dunham: Fuckin' "journos." Look at this. West Ham wins three-nill in a blinding performance and our little scrap makes the headline. Bloody muckrakers.

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